Socio-economic Programmes
1. Agriculture, Forest and Livelihood Issues:
1) Support to 700 Adivasi poor peasants with fertilizers and seeds and grains. This support made them able to save the money they would have paid as interest to purchase fertilizers. We made efforts to form Grain Banks in villages. Two villages managed Grain bank for 3 years.
2) Pest Control Management: Kesal Ali (A type of Hairy Caterpillar) which affected crops of adivasi peasants in Dhadgaon and Akkalkuva initially and in later years it affected about 10 thousand acres in all blocks of the district. We undertook awareness creation activities about pest control management through poster exhibition and an audio-visual CD in6 blocks with the help of other organizations and agriculture department.
3) Watershed Development: Farm Bunding in 5 villages. Vanrai Bandhara in one village.
4) Support to people in five villages in protecting 1800 hectors forest land for 5 years
5) Awareness of people on NREGA and MREGS: Formation of Rojagar Kruti Samiti in Shahada and Nandurbar Blocks. Follow up of Road Construction work and payment of wages in Tuki at District and Regional level. The Commissioner, Nashik finally issued order to pay wages by Demand Draft for the first time.
6) Preparing Bio diversity registers in 2 villages with support from Rajiv Gandhi Science and Technology Commission.
7) Participation in state level network of People’s Forest Protection and Biodiversity Committees
2.Women’s Empowerment:
1) Organizing women in 60 SHGs in Shahada taluka and creation of income generation activities for 10 SHGs.
2) Efforts to increase women’s participation in Gramsabhas in 5 villages.
3) Participation of adivasi women activists in process of forming state level group of tribal women activists.
4) Health awareness workshops for women, adolescent girls
5) Organization of Mahila melawas and exposure visits to other organizations.
3.Youth Group Activities:
1) Youth workshops to increase their participation in social issues.
2) Pad Yatra, cycle rally on educational, health, social awareness issues.
3) Sarv Dharm Sambhav Youth Melawas
4) Organized Eloquence competitions, sports competitions, street play groups
Achievements in Socio-economic activities:
- Support for fertilizers and seeds made the Adivasi poor peasants able to save the money they would have paid as interest to money-lenders for purchase of fertilizers and seeds. Two villages managed Grain bank for 3 years.
- Awareness of farmers and other organizations on Pest Control management for hairy caterpillar (Kesal Ali)
- Farm Bunding in 5 villages. Vanrai Bandhara in one village
- Bio diversity registers in 2 villages
- The Commissioner, Nashik issued order to pay wages of labourers from Tuki village under MREGS by Demand Draft for the first time.
- More than 500 women’s capacity building through SHGs.
- Youth awareness programs benefitted around 700 youths.